Your Best Mom Year Bootcamp

Dream it. Declare it. Set it. Achieve it.

This round is closed

Dream it. Declare it. Set it. Achieve it.

Survival mode has lasted long enough.

Ok, let's just be honest: The last 18 months has done us dirty.

You invested in the planners and made plan after plan. You ordered all the multicolored flair pens from Amazon and proclaimed that this would be your year, twice!

But soon after, 2020 came along and said, "Not so fast with those plans, cupcake..."

And 2021 was no different.

A year and a half into this and you are officially ov-er survival mode. You're done with mom guilt. You've had it up to here with living the same hamster-wheel day over and over again and calling it a life.

And if this year has taught us anything, it's that that planning means everything, even when the plan doesn't happen the way we thought it would.

You're ready to move forward, get back to a new-ish normal and create some momentum without sacrificing your energy or time with your family.

But you need the tools to do that.

Enter Your Best Mom Year

This is a live 6-week bootcamp-style program to help you create the goals you can realistically achieve for yourself, your family, and your home and finally follow through, even if you're burnt out and unmotivated.

We all know the way we've been taught to set goals does not work for motherhood and it certainly isn't helping us create our best lives.

You know what you've been sold...

Write down your SMART goal.

Start doing all the things to achieve your goal.

Put your head down and don't come up for air until you've smashed that baby to pieces

Achieve said goal and live happily ever after.

*cue side eye emoji*

Meanwhile, you're just trying to keep the Cheerios from solidifying on the kitchen floor every morning like concrete and wondering how you're going to manage to stay on top of work and make sure your third grader gets to virtual library on time.

Old methods don't work for moms.

You don't need more motivation, willpower or discipline.

You're not failing, your tools are.

This is more than a planner, this is a method

I've gone beyond goal setting, because I know living your best mom life is more than just writing down to-do lists and hoping they get done.

Our 6 weeks together are going to give you clarity and support in:


"But I don't even know what I want anymore." No more starting with a long goal to-do list. You'll learn how to understand your values, decide what you want for the short and long-term and how to create a vision for your best life.


Before we jump into the what, we need to focus on the why by tackling the perfectionism and mom guilt head on with practical and action-filled steps.


How to create and (finally!) achieve those goals with a proven framework that takes the guess work out of what to do and when to do.


So you've set your goal. Now what? Learn how to stay on track

What do you get when you join?


6 weeks of live, focused support

I'm going to walk you through, start to finish, how to set the foundations of your goals, understand your vision, work through your mindset, design your intentions and plans, and most importantly, implement.


Easy-to-follow weekly video lessons and workbooks

Each Sunday, you'll get access to that week's video lesson that will have a singular focus and implementable information. No fluff. You'll also get a workbook to keep you on track.


Coaching AND co-working calls

That's right. You get THREE Q&A coaching calls with Kendra for added support and encouragement plus TWO co-working calls for maximum implementation and accountability. Co-working simply means getting on a Zoom call together, turning off our mics and working in 15 minute time blocks and it WORKS!


How to create your own personalized follow through plan

I get it. We all know how that goals are easy to write down, not so easy to follow through on. I'm giving you everything you need to create a personalized follow-through plan so your goals don't just end up as another thing you "wish" you did.


A private pop-up Facebook community

Three cheers for accountability! You'll have a space to talk openly about your goals and challenges and get support in finding and creating an accountability partner or group.
Plus, you get lifetime access to the content from this round, even after the bootcamp has ended!

This isn't just another typical "bro-goal" setting program

Moms have full lives already. Setting goals that support your absolute best life shouldn't be another chore and it sure as sugar shouldn't make you feel defeated when you don't quite get to the end result you intended. 

Planners are amazing tools, but where is the accountability? Just having a space to write your intentions isn't enough to make powerful shifts. 

Your Best Mom Year Bootcamp is completely different. It's a fresh, new take on mom goals, whether you're looking to improve your home life, your relationships, or how you take care of YOU this year. It's all about accountability and follow through.


Because learning how to get started is just as important as starting.


Because knowing you have others in your corner gives you the motivation to keep going.


Because you deserve to be encouraged along your journey.

You've been given the wrong tools.

Ever tried to use scissors made for a different-handed person? What happens? Fail. Epic fail.

A left handed person can't cut paper effectively with right handed scissors and you can't create your best year with tools and methods that don't fit your lifestyle, your values or your season of life.

Your Best Mom Year Bootcamp isn't just a tool, it's the entire hardware store. Get what you need, leave the rest, live your best life.

Want a sneak peek at the modules and lessons?

  • Foundational lessons to get you started immediately, including a personal walk-through and what to do when you feel too overwhelmed to begin.
  • Your best mom life mindset, including how to create your best life versus a perfect life, dealing with feelings of past "failure" and moving past crippling procrastination
  • Living as a guilt-free (or at least a guiltLESS) mom by understanding where it comes from and creating a daily practice to tackle it head on.
  • Your Best Mom Life goal and milestone framework to set you up with success for short and long term goals.
  • How to discover what you want so you can get it, unlearning traditional methods that don't work, casting vision and future planning during uncertain times, how to set intentions, and what to do when you change your mind
  • Creating and maintaining your best mom life habits
  • Overcoming mommy burnout, especially when life throws you curveballs that get in the way of achieving your goals
  • A deep understanding of self care and self love, and how to incorporate it into your daily life
  • Your Best Mom Life reset (for that inevitable misstep or falling off the wagon, because it happens and we can prepare for it!)
  • A bonus module for extra support


"I'm done living in survival mode"

"I planned to wait until tomorrow to see if this was really the right investment for me at this time. But after two days of the “Your best mom year 5 day challenge” I realized that once again, this is a Kendra home run and something I desperately need. I’m done living in survival mode and letting my habits take me wherever they want. I am ready to live abundantly through purposeful habits that lead me towards my goals. Thanks, Kendra! Super looking forward to this live course!"

Jenn A.


So who am I to teach this?

Hi friends! I'm Kendra and I get downright giddy about putting reluctant homemakers back in the driver's seat of motherhood. One of the ways I'm most passionate in doing that is providing a safe, structured environment for moms to thrive, setting goals that work for them, not against them. I'm all about helping to change the narrative around modern motherhood, because you deserve to be the hero of your own story. Mother Like a Boss™ is here to empower moms through realistic, simplistic changes.

Motherhood deserves more than we give it. We deserve better. We deserve to be living our best life without perfectionism looming in dark corners ready to attack us.

When I'm not empowering other mamas, I'm doing the mom thing myself with a 14 and 8 year old alongside my husband Adam in beautiful upstate NY. I love The Office. I'm a sci-fi nerd. I'm known to be pretty sassy. Most importantly, I'm obsessed with helping moms just like you.

You deserve better than barely keeping your head above water.

Dream it. Declare it. Set it. Achieve it.

I'm making it easier than ever to join, but the doors are closing soon. We start live on October 4.

Regular price: $297
Join now for only


We've got A's for your Q's

How much does it cost?

This is a live program that mimics a group coaching setting. Normally, this would be $600+, but you can join for only $111 (or two payments of $57)

How do I know it's for me?

Only you can answer that, but I can say honestly that anyone struggling with setting goals will benefit from this program.

If you feel like you need a jumpstart after the last year we've all lived through, this will be it. If you feel like you've been in survival mode so long, you don't even know what you want out of life any more, this is for you.

When does this start?

We're starting on October 4. Even though this is a live program, you get lifetime access to the lessons and call recordings. That means you can take your time if you need to, and come back to it. We're starting well before the new year hoopla so you have enough space to truly decide what it is you want and how you plan to make it happen.

I'm not even sure what I want? Will this help me figure out what my goals are?

Absolutely! One of the highlights of this program is the vision-casting week. Mom life can take over and we get swept up in what we should be doing versus what we could be doing. I'm going to help you figure it out, mama.

How is this course different from your other courses, like Homemakerish U?

Totally different. This is 100% strictly focused on creating goals, achieving them and sticking to them. We will not be talking about how to create better routines for your home, how to manage or clean your home, parenting, etc. You are welcome to discuss your personal goals in the Facebook group (it's ENCOURAGED) but the lessons and structure will not focus on anything outside of goals and best-life creation.   

Build your best life fueled by momentum and bursting with intention, once and for all.