momentum over motivation
a 5 day challenge

When you're overwhelmed by all the things, let's focus on doing just one thing.

The challenge has ended

Motivation is overrated. There, I said it.

Motherhood and modern homemaking is a 24/7 job and there's always something to do. Usually, there is a lot of something to do. You're up to your eyeballs in checklists. Between the cleaning, the cooking, the working, the virtual schooling, keeping up on relationships, self care, running businesses, running a home, running our lives, living through an actual pandemic, it's just too much. You want to be the kind of mom that feels motivated to get it all done, but you just don't. (psst..none of us do)

The truth is, we're never going to feel motivated to start when we're stuck feeling guilty that we haven't started in the first place, or we feel hopeless because there's just too much to do.

We don't need to feel motivated, we need to create momentum.

Zero perfection required

You don't need to be perfect or have loads of extra time to see results.
This challenge is the easiest and fastest way to get started, keep going and feel accomplished in your home and your life.


Each day of the challenge has been created by a mom for moms with simplicity in mind. I'm giving you everything you need to get started and get more done in less time.


This is all about the mindset, mama. I'm going to help shake away all those beliefs about waiting for the perfect moment or being the perfect mom or having the perfect house. Imperfection is celebrated and welcome here.


Do you have oodles of free time these days? Ya, neither do I. The prompts and mini trainings are quick, and the activities are aimed to be done in 10 minutes a day. Easy peasy.

So what will you get when you join?

Daily email prompts and workbook with simple activities you can do in under 10 minutes

Each day has it's own focus: setting your future self up with success, ditching the "all or nothing" mindset, working through a difficult season, understanding your worth, and reflecting on what works best for you.

*BRAND NEW* A free, limited edition private podcast series for your ears only

That's right! You'll get an episode downloaded right to your phone each day of the challenge. I'll be coming in though your earbuds to walk you through the daily prompt and hit you with a value-packed mini training (transcript available, too!)

A highly supportive private pop-up Facebook community

We're all about support here. You don't need to do this alone. The energy is fierce, compassionate and welcoming in this pop-up group as we all go through the challenge together.

Hey friend. I'm Kendra

I'm the founder of Mother Like a Boss™ and the host of this challenge. Momentum over motivation has become my calling card and with over 18,000 students enrolled in my programs, it's the backbone of my philosophy in teaching. I believe in creating change through mindset shifts and realistic routines, all built on small steps and micro habits. The "go big or go home" mantra is outdated and doesn't work for modern moms drowning in all the things.

Two things you should know about me:

1. I'm obsessed with showing moms and reluctant homemakers how to get back in the driver's seat by changing the narrative of what motherhood should be.

2. I'm all about making it fun, I'm all about creating a non-judgemental space for moms to grow and I'm all about giving you the tools to create a home and life you love.

Sound good to you? Click that button and save your spot.
I can't wait to lead you through this value-packed challenge.